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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 2018.10.29 ~ 2018.12.28 8주 5일
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 온라인 발급

강좌 기간이 종료되어 더이상 수강할 수 없습니다.

좋아요 0 수강생 733

교수자 소개

  • 김양한

    • 現 KAIST 기계공학과 명예교수
    • MIT Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering(O.E. Program)
    • 저서 "Sound Propagation: An Impedance Based Approach(John Wiley & Sons)"
    • 저서 "Sound Visualization and Manipulation(The Wiley)"
    • 2015 Rossing Prize Winner in Education, Acoustical Society of America
    • I-INCE (국제 소음제어공학회) 이사 / 해외 MOOC 코세라에 ‘음향학’ 강좌 운영


  1. Part 1. Newton's 2nd Law
    1. Intro. Lecture
    1. 어느 쪽 공이 먼저 떨어질까요?
  2. Week 1
    1. 1.1 Position, velocity, and acceleration
    1. 1.2 Description of vectors for position
    1. Quiz 1
  3. Week 2
    1. 2.1 Newton’s second law of motion
    1. 2.2 Angular momentum of a particle
    1. Quiz 2
  4. Part 2. Principle of Energy, Impulse, and Momentum
    1. Intro. Lecture
    1. 곰은 절벽을 건널 수 있을까요?
  5. Week 3
    1. 3.1 Work; Kinetic Energy
    1. 3.2 Principle of Impulse and Momentum
    1. Quiz 3
  6. Week 4
    1. 4.1 Impact; Direct central impact
    1. 4.2 Applications of Newton’s laws
    1. Quiz 4
  7. Part 3. Angular Momentum
    1. Intro. Lecture
  8. Week 5
    1. 5.1 Angular momentum about the mass center
    1. 5.2 Translation; Rotation about a fixed axis
    1. Quiz 5
  9. Week 6
    1. 6.1 Instantaneous center
    1. 6.2 Rate of change of a vector
    1. Quiz 6
  10. Week 7
    1. 7.1 Motion about a Fixed Point
    1. Quiz 7
  11. Exam - Dynamics I
    1. Exam (1/2)
    1. Exam (2/2)