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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 온라인 발급
좋아요 418 수강생 960

교수자 소개

  • KAIST 신소재공학과 홍승범 교수

    KAIST 신소재공학과 홍승범 교수


강의 & 퀴즈
  1. ★강좌 수강방법 안내★
    1. 수료 기준, 학습 방법, 게시판 활용법 등 안내
  2. WEEK 1. Introduction and Basics of Electrostatics
    1. 1-1 The Force Awakens...
    1. 1-2 What Are Fields?
    1. 1-3 Vector Fields in Electrodynamics
    1. 1-4 Introducing: Magnetism
    1. Quiz 1
  3. WEEK 2. Introduction to Differential Calculus of Vector Fields
    1. 2-1 Mathematics of Fields
    1. 2-2 Fields Under the Microscope: Vector Calculus
    1. 2-3 Gradient, Divergence, and Curl
    1. 2-4 Characterizing the Del Operator
    1. Quiz 2
  4. WEEK 3. Introduction to Vector Integral Calculus
    1. 3-1 Line Integral Along a Path
    1. 3-2 The Flux, the Surface Integral, and the Gauss' Theorem
    1. 3-3 Del Under Integration
  5. WEEK 4. Introduction to Electrostatic Solutions
    1. 4-1 Electrostatics and the Superposition of Fields
    1. 4-2 Electric Potential
    1. 4-3 Characterizing the Electrostatic Flux
    1. Quiz 4
  6. WEEK 5. Application of Gauss' Law
    1. 5-1 Electrostatic Equilibrium
    1. 5-2 Gauss' Theorem on Symmetric Charge Distributions
    1. 5-3 Inverse Square Law and Perfect Conductors
    1. Quiz 5
  7. WEEK 6. Electric Field Under Various Circumstances
    1. 6-1 Electric Dipole Moment
    1. 6-2 Dipole Approximation in Electrostatics
    1. 6-3 Image Charge Method and Capacitance
    1. Quiz 6
  8. ★강의 수강 후 의견을 부탁드리겠습니다.★
    1. 교수님 강의에 대한 별점을 매겨주세요. 여러분의 의견이 많은 도움이 됩니다:D